I’m starting a little series on some of the nice features/capabilities in Snowflake (the cloud data warehouse). In each part, I’ll highlight something that I think it’s interesting enough to share. It might be some SQL function that I’d really like to be in SQL Server, it might be something else.
This blog post talks about the LISTAGG function. The goal of the function is to concatenate values from a column into a delimited list. Let’s take a look at an example. I have a simple table with one column and 250 rows, containing a list of the top 250 movies from IMDB. If I want one single row with all the movie titles concatenated, I can issue the following SQL statement:

If you want to group by another column, you can add the WITHIN GROUP clause. For example, return a list of concatenated employee names per department.
Since SQL Server 2017, you have the STRING_AGG function, which has almost the exact same syntax as its Snowflake counterpart. There are two minor differences:
- Snowflake has an optional DISTINCT
- SQL Server has a default ascending sorting. If you want another sorting, you can specify one in the WITHIN GROUP clause. In Snowflake, there is no guaranteed sorting unless you specify it (again in the WITHIN GROUP clause).
If you are working on a version of SQL Server before 2017, you’ll appreciate the simplicity of the LISTAGG/STRINGAGG function, since you have to resort to some hacks to get the job done. My favorite article which lists a lot of potential solutions is Concatenating Row Values in Transact-SQL. My favorite method is the “black-box XML” method (I still had to look up the syntax every time). It’s ugly, but quite fast. The STUFF function is used to remove the trailing comma.
SELECT e1.DepartmentID ,Employees = STUFF( ( SELECT EmployeeName + ',' FROM dbo.Employees e2 WHERE e2.DepartmentID = e1.DepartmentID ORDER BY EmployeeName FOR XML PATH(''), TYPE).value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') ),1,1,'') FROM dbo.Employees e1 GROUP BY DepartmentID;
Yep, using LISTAGG is much easier. The previous example can be rewritten as:
SELECT DepartmentID ,LISTAGG(DISTINCT EmployeeName) WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY EmployeeName) AS Employees FROM dbo.Employees GROUP BY DepartmentID;
Other parts in this series:
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Thanks for these, Koen. These posts are great. I’m new to Snowflake, and it’s really helpful to get some new ideas presented in a way I can connect to my SQL Server background. I’ve only made it through the first three post so far, but I’m finding them very interesting!
As a side note, if the ONLY thing you need back from SQL Server was the single string of the names, you could also get to it by populating a variable:
SELECT @NameList = @NameList + EmployeeName + ‘,’ FROM dbo.Employees ORDER BY EmployeeName;
SELECT SUBSTRING(@NameList, 1, LEN(@NameList)-1) — The substring is just to remove the trailing comma
Or, rather than removing the trailing comma, you could avoid it altogether by placing it ahead of each name with a CASE statement:
SELECT @NameList = @NameList + CASE @NameList WHEN ” THEN ” ELSE ‘,’ END + EmployeeName FROM dbo.Employees ORDER BY EmployeeName;
SELECT @NameList;
LISTAGG is also a nice way to get around issues sending successive rows to a UDF/UDTF – just LISTAGG the rows and send with the partitioned key.