This months T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by Aaron Bertrand and the topic is Dealer’s Choice. Aaron gives us the choice to blog about a topic of our choice, either about a passion outside of the SQL Server community, or about a T-SQL bad habit. In this blog post, I’ll tackle the first option, but I’ll […]
Category: Professional Development
Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science – The Finish Line
In October 2017, I completed the capstone project of the Microsoft Professional Program for Data Science. I’ve blogged about this program before: Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science – The Road So Far Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science – Continued I’m happy to announce I got the certificate: How did the capstone project go? […]
The times they are ae-changing
I have been quite on this blog for a couple of weeks now, and there are a couple of reasons for this. First of all, it’s the holiday season and I need some rest too 🙂 Secondly, I have changed jobs since the 1st of August 2017. This means a lot of ongoing projects had […]
Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science – Continued
A couple of weeks back I blogged about my progress in the “Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science” curriculum. I’ve now finished the remainder of the courses. Now I only need to finish the capstone project. This project only occurs at the start of each quarter and runs for a month. The next runs are […]
Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science – The Road So Far
I’ve currently been participating in the Microsoft Professional Program in Data Science. It’s an online curriculum of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Course), all provided through the edX platform. You are free to participate, but for a verified certificate you will need to pay (and Microsoft/edX has bumped up the price from $49 to $99 for some […]

Microsoft Data Platform MVP Award
I’m very pleased, humbled, surprised and overall gleeful to announce I’m awarded the Microsoft Data Platform MVP 2017 Award. This is a great honor and I’m grateful for all the support I’ve received of Microsoft, my peers and the SQL Server community over the past years. I’d like to take this moment to thank you […]

My thoughts on Recertifying your MCSE through Microsoft Virtual Academy
A couple of years back I achieved the Microsoft certification MCSE – Business Intelligence. You can read all about that process in my blog post How I prepared myself for the MCSE certification. As you might know, this certification is only valid for 3 years. My certification should have expired a couple of months ago, but […]
Presentation Design – Before and After
Recently I gave a session on the SQL Server Days about the new features for business intelligence in SQL Server 2016. I have always found that the design of the slide deck matters and this time I was fortunate enough to have the assistance of 356labs, a presentation design agency founded by SQL Server MVP […]

Reblog: How I prepared myself for the MCSE certification
SQLKover update: this was one of the most popular posts on my old blog. It’s quite old now and SQL 2014 content has been added to some of the exams. Nonetheless, a lot of it is still valid today. Last week (this is a repost, so not actually last week but over 2 years ago) I […]