SQLKover update: this was one of the most popular posts on my old blog. It’s quite old now and SQL 2014 content has been added to some of the exams. Nonetheless, a lot of it is still valid today. Last week (this is a repost, so not actually last week but over 2 years ago) I […]
Nesting Aggregates with Window Functions
Recenty I was writing an article for MSSQLTips where I had to create a treemap (it will be published soon). As sample data, I used the different folders containing the drafts for all the tips I ever wrote. As measures, I have the number of kilobytes and the number of items per folder. An example: […]
Reblog: Slow source? Make your data flow buffers smaller!
Whoa whoah. Aren’t you supposed to increase your data flow buffer size in order to speed up your packages? If you have enough memory and you can process more rows at the same time because your buffer is larger, that’s what we want, right? Yes, this is confirmed by the old blog post Adjust buffer […]
Scripts and SSDT-BI 2013
Recently I tried to open a script component in SSDT-BI 2013. I was developing for SSIS 2014, so this means using Visual Studio 2013 (I explain in this blog post how I set this up using Visual Studio online). However, I got a message saying there was a compatibility issue with Visual Studio 2012. (this […]
SSIS Catalog – Path to backup file could not be determined
I was creating an SSIS catalog at a new project, but I was greeted with the following error message when I hit OK: The path to the catalog backup file could not be determined. Integration Services might not be installed on this server, or the user may not have the appropriate access permissions. My initial […]
SSDT-BI and Visual Studio Online
Recently I had to create a new business intelligence project at a client. However, there was no source control present. Because I like my code checked in somewhere – you never know if your laptop crashes or even get stolen – I decided to try out Visual Studio Online. It’s free for basic use. All […]
Reblog: The OLE DB Source and the Oracle Date Literal
SQLKover update: when of the stranger Oracle issues I encountered over the years. Some time after I published the original blog post, there was a forum question about the same issue. I googled and found my own blog post as the answer. Recently I was developing an SSIS package in BIDS 2008R2 which was part […]
My favourite books
As I mentioned in the blog post Speaking at SQL Server Days 2015, I’ll be giving a session at the Belgian SQL Server Days. There is a Speaker in the Spotlight section on the site, where a speaker can introduce him/her self by answering a simple survey. One of the questions is “Which SQL Server […]
Reblog: The shaky bug in SSIS
SQLKover update: I’m reblogging this a bit earlier (it’s a quite recent blog post) because I still see people with this issue. Also, it seems that sometimes the fix doesn’t work. You may or may not have noticed it after installing SQL Server 2012/2014: the designer interface in Visual Studio 2010/2012 has had a make-over. Nothing […]
Reblog: Star Schema The Complete Reference – Review
SQLKover update: 1.5 year later, I still stand by my position: Star Schema The Complete Reference is the best book on dimensional modelling around. Recommended/obligatory reading! I finished my first book of this year and here’s the review! After I finished the newest edition of Ralph Kimball’s Data Warehouse Toolkit, a senior colleague of mine recommended […]