I have the pleasure to announce I’ll be presenting at two conferences this spring. The first one is at dataMinds Saturday 2024 (back in-person!): Yes, it’s a long abstract 🙂 You can register for this free event here. The other session is at Techorama Belgium 2024 where I’ll present about Microsoft Fabric: Tickets for the […]
Change Notebook Spark Session Time-Out in Microsoft Fabric
You might know the feeling: you’re writing code in a Notebook in Microsoft Fabric and suddenly you have to leave your workstation for a while. Someone ran the doorbell (you’re working from home and you get some parcels delivered), or you took a coffee break with some colleagues. When you return to your notebook, the […]
How to Retrieve all the Spark Session Configuration Variables in Microsoft Fabric
I was trying some stuff out in a notebook on top of a Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse. I was wondering what some of the default values are of the configuration variables, and if there’s an easy way to retrieve them all. Luckily there is. In the code, I’m using Scala because it has a nice GetAll() […]

#TSQL2sday 171 – Describe the Most Recent Issue You Closed
It’s #TSQL2sday time! This month’s invitation has been sent out by Brent Ozar and he asks us to describe the most recent issue – or the last ticket – we closed. In my case, I actually blogged about it in this blog post: Azure Function App doesn’t retrieve most recent secret value from Azure Key […]
Fabulous Stuff in Fabric – Part 4: The Office365 Outlook Activity
A while ago I had a little blog post series about cool stuff in Snowflake. I’m doing a similar series now, but this time for Microsoft Fabric. I’m not going to cover the basics of Fabric, hundreds of bloggers have already done that. I’m going to cover little bits & pieces that I find interesting, that […]
Azure Function App doesn’t retrieve most recent secret value from Azure Key Vault
Quite a long title for quite an annoying issue. Let me explain the set-up first: I have pipelines running in Azure Data Factory and I want to send e-mails with customized messages when something goes wrong (this means the standard alerting of ADF doesn’t cut it). ADF doesn’t have a built-in activity for sending e-mails […]
Fabulous Stuff in Fabric – Part 3: Shortcuts
A while ago I had a little blog post series about cool stuff in Snowflake. I’m doing a similar series now, but this time for Microsoft Fabric. I’m not going to cover the basics of Fabric, hundreds of bloggers have already done that. I’m going to cover little bits & pieces that I find interesting, that […]
Session Materials for Cloudbrew & Data Meetup Groningen
I presented “Microsoft Fabric for Dummies” at Cloudbrew and “How I saved 80% on my ADF costs” as a lightning talk at Data Meetup Groningen. Both slidedecks can be found at github.
Fabulous Stuff in Fabric – Part 2: Deactivating Activities in Pipelines
A while ago I had a little blog post series about cool stuff in Snowflake. I’m doing a similar series now, but this time for Microsoft Fabric. I’m not going to cover the basic of Fabric, hundreds of bloggers have already done that. I’m going to cover little bits & pieces that I find interesting, that […]
Fabulous Stuff in Fabric – Part 1: Cloning Tables
A while ago I had a little blog post series about cool stuff in Snowflake. I’m starting up a similar series, but this time for Microsoft Fabric. I’m not going to cover the basic of Fabric, hundreds of bloggers have already done that. I’m going to cover little bits & pieces that I find interesting, […]