I’m going to give a lightning talk at the online (free) Future Data Driven Summit. The subject is How I saved 80% on my Azure Data Factory Costs. The abstract:
Azure Data Factory (ADF) is the tool in the Azure cloud for creating your data pipelines. It allows you to move and transform data from a multitude of sources to as many possible destinations. However, like most cloud services, it is not free. If you’re not careful, you might end up with an unexpected high bill at the end of the month.
In this session, I’ll give an overview of the ADF building blocks and explain a couple of design patterns to save you money. At the end, you will know which pitfalls to avoid, and how to keep your CFO happy.
It’s only 15 minutes long, so be ready to learn a few quick nuggets on how to make ADF cheaper. There are also plenty of other great speakers at this conferences, so be sure to check them out too!

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