Disclaimer: Apress gave me a free copy of the book to review. People that know me, also know I always give honest feedback 🙂 I had the pleasure of reading the book Mastering Snowflake Solutions: Supporting Analytics and Data Sharing. The book is aimed at data professionals who have already taken their first steps developing […]
Tag: cloud
Two Small Tips for Working with Azure
Very quick blog post about two tips for working with Azure (hence the title of course). I recently started up a project where the data warehouse needed to be fully in the cloud. This was an Azure SQL Database, not Azure Data Warehouse. The size of the DWH was just not big enough (although Microsoft […]

T-SQL Tuesday 89 – Roundup
I asked the SQL Server community to write about their experience/opinion about the changing world we live in and how it impacts their daily job. The response was overwhelming: we had 30 participants in this months blog party! Here’s an overview of everyone who participated. Take your time to read their stories, as they are […]

T-SQL Tuesday #89 – The times they are a-changing
This month’s T-SQL Tuesday is hosted by yours truly! The topic this month: how do you keep up with the fast changing world of data management? Does this impact your job? Or do you feel there’s no impact at all for your position? Do you fear the cloud? And so on 🙂 Everything changes fast […]

T-SQL Tuesday #89 Invitation – The times they are a-changing
T-SQL Tuesday is a monthly blog party for the SQL Server community (or Microsoft Data Platform community. Although it’s called T-SQL Tuesday, it’s not limited to SQL Server database engine only). It is the brainchild of Adam Machanic (blog | twitter) and I’m honored to host this month’s edition. Each month a blog hosts the party and […]