I asked the SQL Server community to write about their experience/opinion about the changing world we live in and how it impacts their daily job. The response was overwhelming: we had 30 participants in this months blog party!
Here’s an overview of everyone who participated. Take your time to read their stories, as they are very insightful, interesting or just plain fun to read.
Let’s start with myself. I wrote that I don’t think the BI developer is in danger any time soon, since all the changes in the BI landscape rather bring more work to the table. I also shared some tips I use to (try to) stay current with the latest events.
Chris Yates mentions the cloud, Power BI in sports games and PowerShell.
Chriss Lemaire talks about cloud, globalization and – not surprisingly – about automation with PowerShell.
Sander Stad reminisces about the times you had to use CDs to install Windows Server and that you should embrace change. PowerShell is mentioned as well.
Arun Sirpal shows his adaptability using an example in Azure. He also mentions PowerShell.
Rob Farley – champion in T-SQL Tuesday participation – talks about how we should see change as an opportunity.
Bert Wagner talks about linchpins and explains he’s a professional learner.
Andrew Pirie says you shouldn’t fear change, but fear becoming redundant. He also mentions PowerShell.
John Deardurff tries to convince everyone to go after certifications.
Dave Mason has a discourse about the fast release cycles of software and how it can be overwhelming.
Andy Galbraith has found a correlation between April Fools Day and SQL Server on Linux. PowerShell is in there somewhere too.
Aaron Bertrand tells to roll with the changes and move all you have to the cloud. Or at least be prepared for it.
Garland MacNeill mentions ASPs and the fact that you already have evolved over the past years.
Kenneth Fisher goes nostalgic to mainframe time and compares the evolution of mainframes into PCs with the cloud evolution of today.
Jim Donahoe has a nice story about his first cloud adventures.
Edwin M Sarmiento gives great advice and compares our careers with the family framework.
James Anderson warns us for vendor lock-in and is clearly an advocate for on-prem solutions.
Nicky van Vroenhoven listens to podcasts and uses feedly to keep track of blog posts. He also explains that self-service BI isn’t a threat at all.
Martin Catherall talks about all the lost industries he has worked in, but that not everything is lost yet for the DBA.
Manohor Punna wrote his first T-SQL Tuesday post! Manu goes over his entire career as a DBA and the role of the cloud in that journey.
Jason Brimhall isn’t threatened by the cloud. He rather sees it as a potential opportunity for business, but most of all a convenient sandbox to play in.
Riley Major hugs mutation and writes about how you should automate your job yourself. PowerShell is mentioned.
The following set of people rebels without a cause broke the rules and didn’t post a comment on the invitation blog post. They did share their blog using the #tsql2sday hashtag. As punishment they need to hand in 10 Internet points. Or buy me a beer.
Shane O’Neill gives a great list of community projects involved in automating several tasks in the SQL Server environment. He also mentions PowerShell.
Kevin Hill has a short post about PowerShell (of course). He also asked me that last time I saw a buggy-whip (Google quickly told me what it is). Not so long ago actually, we have them in our old Belgian cities as a tourist attraction.
John Morehouse goes to the philosophical side of things and states there is no cloud. Or spoon.
Michelle Haarhues wrote about all the various changes in her career as IT professional. And that everything will continue to change.
Taiob Ali demonstrates his first steps into Azure.
Daniel Janik grasped the opportunity and introduced his new community effort: www.Howsmyplan.com. And there’s a cat picture.
Chris Sommer talks about the new different types of DBAs that have arisen in the past years. He mentions PowerShell as well.
And finally we have Vladimir Oselsky who forgot what the subject was (and the concept of T-SQL Tuesday I suppose) and blogged about THROW versus RAISERROR instead.
Thanks to all the bloggers for their participation!
Do you like this blog post? You can thank me by buying me a beer 🙂
You were right to a degree about me. Instead of forgetting about the subject, I had no idea what the subject even was. This is what happens when someone uses hashtags that they don’t even know that it means. Up until the moment, I follow the traffic source to come to this page I had no clue that TSQLTuesday was specific to one subject that changes on monthly basis.
I feel like a party crasher who came in dressed up for the wrong theme. Now that I know more about T-SQL Tuesday, I can actually participate in it with actual intent instead of by accident. Lastly, I will learn to verify what hashtags mean before I include them.
Hi Vladimir.
No problem! 🙂 I wanted to include you in the roundup since every SQL blogger can use the exposure. I hope we can welcome you (again) at the next T-SQL Tuesday!