Categories: SSIS

SSIS Naming Conventions 2.0

People who have been working for a while with Integration Services probably know the legendary blog post by SQL Server MVP Jamie Thomson: Suggested Best Practises and naming conventions. The blog post served as a guidance point for many SSIS projects regarding naming conventions of the various tasks and components. I still use them every day.

However, the original list has gotten a bit out of date as new components have been added to SSIS over the past releases. Together with MVPs Joost van Rossum (blog | twitter) and André Kamman (blog | twitter) we’ve created an updated list. If that’s not enough, Joost and André have created a PowerShell script that will enable you to check those naming conventions. It will be posted soon on Github.


Task name Prefix Type New
For Loop Container FLC Container
Foreach Loop Container FELC Container
Sequence Container SEQC Container
ActiveX Script AXS Task
Analysis Services Execute DDL Task ASE Task
Analysis Services Processing Task ASP Task
Azure Blob Download Task ADT Task *
Azure Blob Upload Task AUT Task *
Azure HDInsight Create Cluster Task ACCT Task *
Azure HDInsight Delete Cluster Task ACDT Task *
Azure HDInsight Hive Task AHT Task *
Azure HDInsight Pig Task APT Task *
Back Up Database Task BACKUP Task *
Bulk Insert Task BLK Task
CDC Control Task CDC Task *
Check Database Integrity Task CHECKDB Task *
Data Flow Task DFT Task
Data Mining Query Task DMQ Task
Data Profiling Task DPT Task *
Execute Package Task EPT Task
Execute Process Task EPR Task
Execute SQL Server Agent Job Task AGENT Task *
Execute SQL Task SQL Task
Execute T-SQL Statement Task TSQL Task *
Expression Task EXPR Task
File System Task FSYS Task
FTP Task FTP Task
Hadoop File System Task HFSYS Task *
Hadoop Hive Task HIVE Task *
Hadoop Pig Task PIG Task *
History Cleanup Task HISTCT Task *
Maintenance Cleanup Task MAINCT Task *
Message Queue Task MSMQ Task
Notify Operator Task NOT Task *
Rebuild Index Task REBIT Task *
Reorganize Index Task REOIT Task *
Script Task SCR Task
Send Mail Task SMT Task
Shrink Database Task SHRINKDB Task *
Transfer Database Task TDB Task
Transfer Error Messages Task TEM Task
Transfer Jobs Task TJT Task
Transfer Logins Task TLT Task
Transfer Master Stored Procedures Task TSP Task
Transfer SQL Server Objects Task TSO Task
Update Statistics Task STAT Task *
Web Service Task WST Task
WMI Data Reader Task WMID Task
WMI Event Watcher Task WMIE Task
XML Task XML Task
Transformation name Prefix Type New
ADO NET Source ADO_SRC Source *
Azure Blob Source AB_SRC Source *
CDC Source CDC_SRC Source *
DataReader Source DR_SRC Source
Excel Source EX_SRC Source
Flat File Source FF_SRC Source
HDFS File Source HDFS_SRC Source *
OData Source ODATA_SRC Source *
ODBC Source ODBC_SRC Source *
OLE DB Source OLE_SRC Source
Raw File Source RF_SRC Source
SharePoint List Source SPL_SRC Source
XML Source XML_SRC Source
Aggregate AGG Transformation
Audit AUD Transformation
Balanced Data Distributor BDD Transformation *
Cache Transform CCH Transformation *
CDC Splitter CDCS Transformation *
Character Map CHM Transformation
Conditional Split CSPL Transformation
Copy Column CPYC Transformation
Data Conversion DCNV Transformation
Data Mining Query DMQ Transformation
Derived Column DER Transformation
DQS Cleansing DQSC Transformation *
Export Column EXPC Transformation
Fuzzy Grouping FZG Transformation
Fuzzy Lookup FZL Transformation
Import Column IMPC Transformation
Lookup LKP Transformation
Merge MRG Transformation
Merge Join MRGJ Transformation
Multicast MLT Transformation
OLE DB Command CMD Transformation
Percentage Sampling PSMP Transformation
Pivot PVT Transformation
Row Count CNT Transformation
Row Sampling RSMP Transformation
Script Component SCR Transformation
Slowly Changing Dimension SCD Transformation
Sort SRT Transformation
Term Extraction TEX Transformation
Term Lookup TEL Transformation
Union All ALL Transformation
Unpivot UPVT Transformation
ADO NET Destination ADO_DST Destination *
Azure Blob Destination AB_DST Destination *
Data Mining Model Training DMMT_DST Destination
Data Streaming Destination DS_DST Destination *
DataReaderDest DR_DST Destination
Dimension Processing DP_DST Destination
Excel Destination EX_DST Destination
Flat File Destination FF_DST Destination
HDFS File Destination HDFS_DST Destination *
ODBC Destination ODBC_DST Destination *
OLE DB Destination OLE_DST Destination
Partition Processing PP_DST Destination
Raw File Destination RF_DST Destination
Recordset Destination RS_DST Destination
SharePoint List Destination SPL_DST Destination
SQL Server Compact Destination SSC_DST Destination *
SQL Server Destination SS_DST Destination

Do you like this blog post? You can thank me by buying me a beer 🙂
Koen Verbeeck

Koen Verbeeck is a Microsoft Business Intelligence consultant at AE, helping clients to get insight in their data. Koen has a comprehensive knowledge of the SQL Server BI stack, with a particular love for Integration Services. He's also a speaker at various conferences.

View Comments

  • Hi Koen,
    Thank you for updating the naming conventions of the various tasks and components of SSIS.
    I hope that you don't mind me stating that SSIS can sometimes get too complicated to be used by beginners.
    If you are interested, I can link you to a demonstration of a new simple ETL tool I've developed.
    Bracha Goldstein

  • Hi Koen,
    Just updating my mail...
    (I made a mistake in the previous post, sorry).
    Bracha Goldstein

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