Reblog: How I prepared myself for the MCSE certification

9 years ago

SQLKover update: this was one of the most popular posts on my old blog. It's quite old now and SQL…

Nesting Aggregates with Window Functions

9 years ago

Recenty I was writing an article for MSSQLTips where I had to create a treemap (it will be published soon).…

Reblog: Slow source? Make your data flow buffers smaller!

9 years ago

Whoa whoah. Aren’t you supposed to increase your data flow buffer size in order to speed up your packages? If…

Scripts and SSDT-BI 2013

9 years ago

Recently I tried to open a script component in SSDT-BI 2013. I was developing for SSIS 2014, so this means…

SSIS Catalog – Path to backup file could not be determined

9 years ago

I was creating an SSIS catalog at a new project, but I was greeted with the following error message when…

SSDT-BI and Visual Studio Online

9 years ago

Recently I had to create a new business intelligence project at a client. However, there was no source control present.…

Reblog: The OLE DB Source and the Oracle Date Literal

9 years ago

SQLKover update: when of the stranger Oracle issues I encountered over the years. Some time after I published the original…

My favourite books

9 years ago

As I mentioned in the blog post Speaking at SQL Server Days 2015, I'll be giving a session at the…

Reblog: The shaky bug in SSIS

9 years ago

SQLKover update: I'm reblogging this a bit earlier (it's a quite recent blog post) because I still see people with this…

Reblog: Star Schema The Complete Reference – Review

9 years ago

SQLKover update: 1.5 year later, I still stand by my position: Star Schema The Complete Reference is the best book on…